I happened to have the mis fortune of moving my office on Monday morning as the weather changed almost moment by moment. It was pretty brutal. There were leaves from one end of my office to another. And my hair got messy. That night we snuggled safe in out beds and drifted off to the sounds of winds whipping through the trees. The next morning, we surveyed the damage and found a few downed twigs and my barbecue had been moved around the deck. That's it.
Fast forward to Friday night. We watched the news and the recovery in the United States. Mid way through the news I got a call from a friend looking for some help for a friend of a friend. It turns out that a mom and her two kids came to Toronto to stay with some friends to ride out the storm. This family was in need of some clothes for their five year old daughter. I happen to have a five year old daughter. (Until last Thursday, when she celebrated her sixth) We happily agreed to go through Bronwyn's clothes. We found a bunch of extra pants, tops and a decent winter coat to last for a few weeks.
Bronwyn found a school bag that she had only used for the first week of school. She suggested that this little girl would need a school bag and a barbie. But not one of her barbies. And for a brief second, I was disappointed in my daughter. She wouldn't share a barbie. The kid has about a million. No, Bronwyn said this little girl needed her own brand new barbie. We headed out to Walmart to get this little girl a few presents to put in her school bag.

We will not meet this family, but it was nice to take an hour of our night to put together a small care package and hopefully make this family's next few weeks a little brighter.
Here is a little Jason Mraz to send out some support to those in need. Here is You are Loved.
Live high,