What is your favourite Christmas gift ever? What is the one thing you look back on that fills your heart and maybe brings a tear to your eye?
I am a huge fan of Dr. Seuss. I love every book Dr. Seuss put other there.
As a student at school and in a new relationship with a young guy, I shared with him my love of Dr. Seuss when I told him I could not go out to the bar until I had watched "How the Grinch Stole Christmas.'' It was non-negotiable. He did not laugh, but came right over to watch it with me. I knew then that I had a keeper.
It was in the fall of that year that cancer took Dr. Seuss from us. But what a legacy he left us.
When Christmas day arrived a few weeks later and there was a lovely package under the tree for me from Ian. I don't think I will ever forget opening that package. Inside, was a battered, old copy of How the Grinch Stole Christmas. It turns out that this old book was Ian's when he was a kid. Inside, the book bears his name and his address. His address is spelled wrong. A sweet gesture of more innocent times.
Every Christmas, the real sign of the start of the season is the showing of the original cartoon with Boris Karlof and at home, when pulling out the decorations, sharing my special book and showing the inscription to our children.
Best wishes for a warm, safe, holiday season. Make many happy memories.
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